Download Employment Reference Letter Sample for Web Administrator
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ACS Reference Letter Sample for Web Administrator
Employment Reference Letter Sample for Web Administrator - ANZSCO 313113
Here is an ACS Reference Letter Sample for Web Administrator for RPL Skill Assessment. This letter is to be issued by your HR/Manager of your organization on company letterhead including particular information regarding the duties you performed and the skills applied on the job. Employment Reference Letter for Web Administrator will be assessed as “Not Suitable due to insufficient information”, if the specific details of duties are not stated in the references.
Date: 15/02/2016
To whomsoever it may concern
This is to certify that Gauri Banerjee was working with Tekwissen LLC at Pune, India as a Full-Time employee since May 5, 2009 to Oct 21, 2016 as a Web Administrator.
His Roles and responsibilities as a Web Administrator are as follows:
- Establishing Web system specifications by analyzing access, information, and security requirements; designing system infrastructure.
- Establishing Web system by planning and executing the selection, installation, configuration, and testing of server hardware, software, and operating and system management systems; defining system and operational policies and procedures.
- Maintaining Web system performance by performing system monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning; troubleshooting system hardware, software, and operating and system management systems; designing and running system load/stress testing; escalating application problems to vendor.
- Securing Web system by developing system access, monitoring, control, and evaluation; establishing and testing disaster recovery policies and procedures; completing back-ups; maintaining documentation.
- Upgrading Web system by conferring with vendors and services; developing, testing, evaluating, and installing enhancements and new software.
- Updating job knowledge by tracking emerging Internet technologies; participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
- Accomplishing organization goals by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.
- Collaborating with development teams to discuss, analyze, or resolve usability issues.
- Identifying or addressing interoperability requirements.
- Tracking, compiling, and analyzing web site usage data.
- Documenting application and web site changes or change procedures.
- Developing or documenting style guidelines for web site content
- Testing new software packages for use in web operations or other applications.
- Developing or implementing procedures for ongoing web site revision.
- Setting up and maintain monitoring tools on web servers or web sites.
- Testing backup or recovery plans regularly and resolving any problems.
- Documenting installation or configuration procedures to allow maintenance and repetition.
- Recommending web site improvements, and developing budgets to support recommendations.
Sincerely yours,
Miss Anne Shelton,
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